Commercial Lending Academy

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The MN Chapter of the RMA has offered the Commercial Lending Academy as a unique, intensive training course for bankers since 1999. Since the program’s inception, over 438 lenders, credit analysts and financial industry professionals from more than 95 institutions in the Midwest have graduated from the Academy. 

The Commercial Lending Academy (CLA) provides a comprehensive overview to the various aspects of the commercial loan underwriting and management process.

The 2025 CLA will be held in two sessions at Sunrise Banks, St. Paul (8:30am - 4:00pm).

  • CLA I: January 27 - 31, 2025

    Suited for individuals with a minimum of one year’s experience in credit or commercial roles.
    Update: 22 individuals attended this course.

  • CLA II: October 6 - 10, 2025
    Advanced course for those with over three years of experience in credit or commercial lending.
    Here is more information and the application.

2024 CLA Graduates


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