Cash Flow II: Advanced Cash Analysis in the Balance Sheet and Income Statement

Past Event

Cash Flow II
Advanced Cash Analysis in the Balance Sheet & Income Statement

This is a foundational cash flow class being offered by RMA-MN that sets the stage for continued learning. We highly recommend Credit Analysts, Underwriters and Commercial Bankers of all levels take this course.

This course will focus on the analysis of the UCA Cash Flow Statement and beyond.

A good banker understands that today’s loan is repaid with tomorrows cash. They also know that a self-liquidating asset is required to repay the debt that is provided. This requires an understanding beyond a simple traditional assessment. They must understand where the cash is piling up on the balance sheet, recognize how much cash can be squeezed out, when the cash can be re-captured as well as how all the linkages between the income statement and balance sheet will impact the repayment. You must go beyond the numbers and understand the events that will impact your borrower. This requires an understanding of how your borrowers are stewarding the cash of the company, where it is going, how they are getting it back. This course builds on the mechanics of the core cash drivers to build and ask the right questions of the borrower.

Advanced Cash Flow Analysis takes a deeper dive into deficit analysis, sensitivity analysis, managing the sustainable growth level of a firm as well as providing the tools to effectively set the right line of credit and term loan facilities. Lastly, we uncover the pitfalls within a firm that will create repayment difficulty.

Attendees will also be able to effectively use the tools presented to formulate the right structure for the debt being requested, increasing the probability of successful repayment as well as a satisfied client.


  • Banker Cash Flow vs Borrower Definition.
  • Core Cash Drivers of Every Company.
  • Deficit Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Coverage Analysis, Sustainable Growth and its impact on Cash flow.
  • Advantages and limitations of Traditional and UCA Cash Flow.
  • Using Cash Flow Assessment as a basis for structuring both long term and revolving debt facilities.
  • Recognizing the pitfalls that could jeopardize repayment.
  • Provide a structure to effectively set the right loan amount to mitigate the risk to both the borrower and the bank.

ITEMS TO BRING: Pencils and Calculator. Fully charged laptop (Outlet may not be available)

PRESENTER: Brad Stevens is the principal at Stevens Risk Management, LLC. He is a recognized premier credit trainer nationwide serving the banking industry in all fifty states. Brad has been leading the credit industry as an analyst, commercial banker, Senior Credit Officer, nationwide trainer and consultant for over 35 years. During his banking career he worked with community banks, regional banks and a large national bank building strong credit portfolios at each stop he made. As a Senior Credit Officer his expertise was in turning around banks that had fallen into significant credit distress. He worked to turn around the banks by instilling a clear credit culture, strong credit policies, training programs as well as setting up a workout staff to manage the worst of the credits. He is a firm believer in making banking better and the training philosophy of Bankers Training Bankers.

Brad has an MBA in Finance from the University of St. Thomas and is a graduate of the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and a graduate of the Oklahoma Commercial Banking School. For more information visit Stevens Risk Management LLC and contact Brad at

CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT: Survey participation is required to receive a certificate of completion for this course. Please take the time to complete two short surveys; one will be sent immediately after, and a second survey will be sent 30 days post-event.



Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025


8:30am - 4:00pm


Sunrise Banks Headquarters

2525 Wabash Avenue
St. Paul MN 55114


Cancelation Policy

Cancellations (and no-shows) will not be refunded unless the instructor cancels the course.

If you are unable to attend, your registration fee will be applied to a future RMA-Minnesota/Local course (prior to 8/31/25), however you must notify the chapter administrator four business days prior to date of course. Substitution is allowed, however any difference in the applicable registration fee will be requested based on replacement’s current affiliation status.

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